I like to meditate regularly as I find it helps keep my mind calm and boosts my physical energy. I came across an interesting device called a David Delight Pro that is really helpful in gently guiding the brainwaves towards a more relaxed state. I have been using the unit since December 2011and I feel it has become a useful part of my daily routine that I set aside for my personal well being. The device is one of many helpful products that are made by Mind Alive Inc, based in Canada.
About the product:
The David Delight Pro is a high quality cranial electrical stimulation device and audio visual entrainment unit that helps to induce a relaxing and heightened state of consciousness. The device includes headphones, the David Delight Pro console, CES stimulus cable, Tru-Vu Omniescent Eyeset, power adapter, battery, detailed manual.
The unit uses pulses of light and tones and depending on the setting selected can help move the brain into a more relaxed state ,as well as helping the brain maintain focus and sharpen the mind.
The David Delight pro helps stimulate areas of the brain to work together in a healthful and harmonious way. The blood flow increases to the brain and the manual details scientific studies to back this up. It also highlights studies that show how the neurotransmitters are affected in a positive way as well as EEG patterns. The AVE component allows the mind to disassociate and become clear of thoughts, emotions and body awareness. This is akin to what experienced meditators might experience.
Some of the conditions helped by this innovative technology are anxiety, ADD,depression, SAD, fatigue. Some of the benefits reported to have been experienced are cheerfulness, deep relaxation, mental sharpness and clarity, groundedness and calmness.
How I tested the product:
I have been using it for 4 months now, usually on a daily basis. I particularly enjoy the sounds of the heartbeat throughout the session as it slows my breathing down and as a result my mind becomes quieter. Having a busy mind can be quite a hindrance when meditating and so the David Delight Pro has significantly helped with this. I have had my share of physical health issues too, but overall my meditation sessions have helped me stay calmer and more resourceful with getting to the bottom of what goes on in my body. There are different programs that you can use depending on what your need is. I have used the brain booster setting, the sleep setting and the feeling better setting. I feel the sleep setting did help my mind quieten down so that I could more easily relax into sleep. I am actually using the brain booster as I write this review so you can see how portable it is!
I shall keep on using the device as part of my healthy living endeavor as so far I have had quite positive experiences. I have asthma and so the deeper breathing is very welcome. It is amazing how often we don't breath properly, and take shallow breaths. I feel that this gadget is helping retrain the way I habitually breath.
Pros :
The meditations work- I am able to relax deeper and calm my mind.
The reading booster works - I am able to concentrate more readily and absorb more of what I am studying.
Mind Alive has excellent customer service.
The unit is portable. You can connect it to an ipod or a SanDisk mp3 player ( I bought a SanDisk mp3 player which was much cheaper than the ipod and works very well).
Can use just the headphones and the CES if you are wanting to do other things, like watch tv, read , write etc.
Goes great with meditating with soul therapy meditation music and a Metatron's magnetic mat.
Lots of wires which can be fiddly and cumbersome. One solution is to use a twist tie to keep the wires from tangling.
The controls share one screen.
There is a learning curve to using the device, as there are several settings and modes that can be used. Some of the buttons do different things depending on what mode you have the unit in so you really do need to read the entire manual to best understand this.
Overall this unit is great and does what it claims to do. It is well worth the effort of reading the manual and experimenting with the different settings. Once you get the hang of using the David Delight Pro you will reap the benefits of tapping into the quantum realm of your mind.
Incidentally I found a good battery for the unit, a 9v tenergy centura that is cheap and rechargeable.
Where to buy :
You can buy it online. I got it from here.
Did you purchase the extra editing software? I am close to purchasing this unit, but have some questions for the company. I think this device has major capabilities with the extra software. I also plan to put down the money for the multi color eyesets. Let me know if your still use the device, as I am extremely interested.
Hi, I didn't purchase the software. I still use the device and think it has shown very positive results with meditation, relaxation and sleeping. I like to use it before nodding off at night on the sleep settings and have found it quite helpful.
Let me know if you end up getting it and how the software works out for you.
Hi, I just read your review, thanks for it !
Recently I bought the David Delight Pro with CES with the Multi-Color eyesets and I also ordered a package of 30 Electrodes.
I have been using this unit almost every other day(sometimes more often, and sometimes less) since september of this year.
I have bought this unit mainly for treating my severe anxiety disorder with depression, but until now, I haven't been successful in keeping the anxiety thoughts and depression away. I have normally used the Alpha Relaxer(10hz) or Schumann Resonance(7.8hz) for my anxiety issues.
I have also tried the SMR/Beta or the Brain Booster (from the Brain Booster session) when I needed to concentrate for study or work in office but also, I have not been able to get any profit or improvement from it (even sometimes after these sessions I feel distracted or foggy, muddled - unable to focus on any mental task). I do not understand why ?
I wonder if you can tell me, which setting( frequency/ tone selection/ type of session) would be best for a person who has anxiety disorder in your opinion ?
I also wonder, if the 100Hz mode might be better for anxiety and other mental problems unlike the other frequencies-sessions ?
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