Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Review: Throat Rescue Spray

This is a really handy product to have in your medicine cabinet, particularly if , like me, you have children who have just gone back to school and already have encountered outbreaks of strep throat! I actually believe I have staved off strep throat in the past by liberally pouring this product down my throat at the onset of symptoms.
It is a not too bad tasting concoction of purified water, peppermint oil and ionic silver. Silver is well known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties and is as least as potent as antibiotics without the troubling side effects.
The spray is very soothing to aching throats and promotes a healthy environment to discourage the growth of germs. It has a useful dispenser whereby you can aim it towards the back of the throat which comes into its own when administering to a child's inflamed throat...
I have tried a lot of different alternative remedies for sore throats and this remains my favorite as it works quickly so long as you nip the symptoms in the bud, ie as soon as you feel tickles in the throat start spraying!

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