Friday, August 17, 2012

Brain Wave Optimization- balance and heal the brain naturally

To enjoy greater health, emotional balance and mental clarity, a person needs to have a balanced and healthy brain. Our brain waves cause certain symptoms for each of us and is the underlying cause of many afflictions such as ADD, depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, sleep disorders, physical pain, learning difficulties, addictions, PTSD to mention just a few.

Recently I learned of an exciting and harmless therapy that helps the brain balance and calibrate itself by resetting the brain waves. There are no drugs, medication or side effects to this unique and revolutionary modality. Simply put by listening to certain musical tones the brain is able to balance out irregularities that may have manifested through stress, childhood traumas, daily living, accidents, illness - all manner of things that can interrupt the balance and function of our brains.

After an initial brain assessment which takes around 40 minutes and requires the participant to undertake certain activities whilst electrodes attached to the scalp record the brain waves, the program determines which tones are to be used in the first session. The activities that are initially done in the assessment might include reading a short passage and then summarizing it, looking at a picture, basic math sums.
A person usually does at least 10 sessions and each session's data is run through the brain state optimization algorithms to determine the brain waves in different parts of the brain. The client can see these brain waves and the patterns that their brain is making and therefore can monitor and analyze each session's progress in real time.

The therapy itself is very pleasant and relaxing. Depending on the need there might be 6 or more exercises per 2 hour session. Some of the sessions might require the client to visualize a peaceful place in nature, or a relaxing place full of color. Electrodes are attached to different parts of the scalp during the sessions and the person listens to different musical tones through an ear piece. The brain waves are recorded and the data is run through the hi tech software each time. During the sessions the person reclines comfortably on an anti gravity chair and this helps with the ability to relax and let go.

I had 13 sessions in all and will definitely have more as time permits. My initial assessment showed that I was left brain dominant which meant a tendency to analyze and think a lot. The goal for a balanced brain would be to have equal strength in both the right and left brain to ensure optimum health and well being.
I was fascinated with the data of my brain waves after each session. Initially there was quite a gap between the right and left brain, but after around the fourth session the brain waves started to come together in a beautiful and symmetrical pattern.

One month on I can see some major benefits from having had this therapy. I have less pain in my neck and shoulders. I have a calmer mind and feel generally more creative. I am sleeping better and have found the motivation to exercise on a more regular basis!

This is of course a layman's testimonial - for a more scientific and rigorous explanation of exactly how Brain wave optimization works please click here.

I had my sessions with Dr Sung Lee in Sedona-  who is the lead researcher for Brain State technologies. It was a wonderful experience and I learned so much from my time with Dr Lee, who is a caring and diligent practitioner with a real ability to put the patient at ease.

To experience this therapy in a  Californian Monastery retreat setting please check out this link.

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